Svet građevinarstva-nekretnina

Ponuda nekretnina - Top 5 agencije "Brian Lack and Company International"

Iz svoje bogate ponude agencija "Brian Lack and Company International" izdvojila je pet atraktivnih stanova.

Moderan i luksuzan četvorosoban stan na drugom spratu nove, izvrsne zgrade koja se nalazi u centru Beograda u blizini ambasada Nemačke i Italije. Ukupna površina 213m2 sadrži dnevni boravak povezan sa kuhinjom, tri spavaće sobe, dva kupatila i balkon. Prateća cena iznajmljivanja uključuje dva garažna mesta.

Za više detalja posetite sajt agencije "Brian Lack and Company International".

A contemporary and luxurious three bedroom apartment sat on the second floor of new, excellent building situated in centre of Belgrade nearby embassies of Germany and Italy. Total floor area of 213m2 comprises living room connected with kitchen, three bedrooms, two bathrooms and balcony. Followed rental price included two garage spaces.

For more details about this property please visit the agency "Brian Lack and Company International" website.

Savremen, svetao četvorosoban stan na prvom spratu nove moderne zgrade na Dedinju, u blizini Belog dvora.Ukupna površina stana od 148m2 sastoji se od dnevnog boravka sa kaminom i ulazom na balkon, kompletno opremljene kuhinje, tri spavaće sobe i dva kupatila. U garažu su uključena tri garažna mesta.

Za više detalja posetite sajt agencije "Brian Lack and Company International".

A contemporary, bright three bedrooms apartment sat on the first floor of the newer modern building located in Dedinje in the vicinity of White Court. Total apartment floor area of 148m2 comprises living room with fireplace and entrance to the balcony, fully equipped kitchen, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. Three garage places are included in the rental price.

For more details about this property please visit the agency "Brian Lack and Company International" website.

Savremeni i dobro organizovani trosobni apartmani na drugom spratu zgrade kompleksa Oaza sa 24-satnim portirom, unutrasnjim bazenom i SPA centrom. Ukupna površina stana 110m2 sastoji se od dnevnog boravka, kuhinje, trpezarije, dve spavaće sobe, kupatila i gostinjskog toaleta. Jedno garažno mesto je uključeno u cenu zakupa.

Za više detalja posetite sajt agencije "Brian Lack and Company International".

A contemporary and well organised two bedrooms apartments sat on the second floor of the Oaza Building Complex with 24 hour porter. Total apartment floor area of 110m2 comprises living room, kitchen, dining area, two bedrooms, bathroom and guest toilet. One garage place is included in rental price.

For more details about this property please visit the agency "Brian Lack and Company International" website.

Ovaj prelep, prostran i potpuno nov stan se nalazi na drugom spratu moderne zgrade koja se nalazi u beogradskom stambenom naselju Vračar, u neposrednoj blizini mnogih prodavnica, restorana, parkova itd. Ukupna površina stana 142 m2 sastoji se od dnevnog boravka spojenog sa trpezarijom i kuhinjom, 3 spavace sobe, od kojih master ima svoje kupatilo i garderobu, odvojeno kupatilo, gostinski toalet, ostavu i 2 prostrane terase. Postoje 2 garažna mesta uključena u prodajnu cenu.

Za više detalja posetite sajt agencije "Brian Lack and Company International".

This beautiful, spacious ad completely new apartment is sat on the second floor of a modern building located in Belgrade residential area Vracar, close to many shops, restaurants, parks etc. Total floor area of 142 m2 comprises a wast reception attached to the dining area and partially attached to the kitchen, 3 bed room, of which master one has its own bathroom and a wardrobe, separate bathroom, guest toilet, storage space and 2 spacious terraces. There are 2 garage spaces included in the selling price.

For more details about this property please visit the agency "Brian Lack and Company International" website.

Novi dvosoban stan na prvom spratu novog, kvalitetnog stambenog kompleksa West 65. Moderna arhitektonska rešenja, tehnološke inovacije, vrhunski  materijali i koncept "sve na jednom mestu" predstavljaju garanciju za visok kvalitet života. Ukupna površina stana 58m2 sastoji se od dnevnog boravka povezanog s kuhinjom, jedne spavaće sobe, kupatila i balkona. Jedno garažno mesto je uključeno u navedenu cenu zakupa.

Za više detalja posetite sajt agencije "Brian Lack and Company International".

A brand new one bedroom apartment sat on the first floor of new, quality residential complex West 65. Modern architectural solutions, technological innovations, top-class and environment-friendly materials and all-in-one-place concept altogether represent a guarantee for a high quality of living. Total apartment floor area of 58m2 comprises living room connected with kitchen, one bedroom, bathroom and balcony. One garage place is included in stated rental price.

For more details about this property please visit the agency "Brian Lack and Company International" website.

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